Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mysore Pak

This recipe is given by my MIL. It's a bit tricky, but it came out a succes in one try, im sure you can do it too. It was yummy.... Have a look..

Besan/chickpeas flour - 2 cups
Sugar - 2 cups
Ghee - 1 Cup
Oil - 1 Cup

1. Sift the besan using a sieve.
2. In a wide bottomed pan, add 1 glass water and sugar and keep stirring. You'll get a one-thread consistency in sometime. (Take a drop of the syrup between your thumb and finger)
3. In another pan, add oil and ghee, keep it in medium flame.
4. Once you get the sugar consistency, pour the besan little at a time in the sugar syrup and keep stirring continously.
5. Using a ladle, keep adding oil in the besan-sugar syrup mixture. You need to add oil at frequent intervals, making sure the mixture doesnt stick to the pan.
6. Within 6-7 minutes, you'll see the mixture is cooked, and you dont get the raw smell.
7. Immediately remove the mixture and pour it on a greased plate. Let it cool for 15 minutes.
Cut into the shape you want.


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