Monday, August 17, 2009


Tried this on Janmashtami. Outcome: looks werent appealing, but it tasted yummy. It's made of milk. Making kalakand is a time consuming process, but its worth the effort.

Unless you change how you are,you will always have what you've got. - Jim Rohn

Milk - 2 litres/1 gallon
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Butter/Ghee - 1 Tsp
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp

Optional Ingredients:
Silver foil

1. In a wide bottomed pan, pour half the milk. When it comes to a boil add add the lemon juice. Remove from heat. Sieve the channa using a muslin cloth to press out excess outer. You can do this by placing some weight on the chenna.
2. Dont knead the chenna, or else the kalakand will become hard.
3. Pour the remaining milk in another pan and boil it to half.
4. Add the chenna and boil till the mixture thickens. Keep Stirring continously.
5. Once it thickens well, add the sugar and stir well.
6. Keep stirring till the mixture thickens. Once this is achieved, set it in a greased plate/tray and apply silver foil(optional). Sprinkle finely chopped almonds and pistachios.

Serve hot or refigerate it and serve with an icecream.

Health Quotient:
Do I need to write this? Guess, I have to. Kalakand is loaded with calories, cholestrol etc. The plus point is its high in protiens..

Dont think, its festival time, go ahead and indulge yourself. Make sure to hit the gym or go for a walk to burn the calories.
Happy cooking.


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